What Are Words是《美国偶像》(American Idol)第十季绝种好男人中Chris Medina的单曲专辑。虽然止步24强,但是这首曲子却在网络上广为流传。
Chris Medina曾经是星巴克的服务员。2007年12月12日,他向和他相恋8年的女孩Juliana提出订婚。虽然只是订婚,但Chris Medina后来在《美国偶像》的比赛采访中说过:“We kind of make it a promise to get married.【我们把它(订婚)作为结婚的一个承诺。】”2009年10月2日,订婚后两年,那个美丽的女孩因为车祸事故,脑部受到重创,康复后智力只有2岁,生活完全不能够自理。但Chris不离不弃。
后来Chris参加了美国偶像,为的就是赚到更多的钱让未婚妻受到更好的治疗过上更好的生活。虽然最后还是止步于全国24强,但 这首充满爱的歌已经牢牢地印在人们的心里 !有一种感情,能让旁观者为之动容,那就是无私的爱!听着歌你能感受到chris medina有多么的爱自己的未婚妻。他遵守着自己的承诺,不管爱的人现 在如何,她永远都是他的天使!!!
Anywhere you are I am near
Anywhere you go I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name you'll see
How every single promise I'll keep
Cause what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most
What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they're don't
When it's love
Yeah you say them out loud
Those words they never go away
They live on even when we're gone
And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight
And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most
What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they're don't
When it's love
Yeah you say them out loud
Those words they never go away
They live on even when we're gone
Anywhere you are I am near
Anywhere you go I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I'll keep
Cause what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most
I'm forever keeping my angel close
What Are Words简谱 Chris Medina 如果誓言只存在于美好时光,那又算什么誓言呢
在人间吉他谱-王建房-C调简单版-《What are words 》中文版
What are words指弹吉他谱-在人间吉他独奏谱-演奏示范
What Are Words吉他谱简单版-Chris MedinaTXT原版谱
What Are Words钢琴谱-简单完美版-Chris Medina
What Are Words钢琴谱-Chris Medina
What Are Words钢琴谱-ChrisMedina-原版
what are words钢琴谱-钢琴弹唱版-Chris Medina
what are words钢琴谱-弹唱改良版-Chris Medina
What Are Words钢琴谱-ChrisMedina-简单完美版